Italy Africa Greece in Work

Some usefull stuff from wiki including a map of the invasion of greece map and one of axis occupation zones. The Dodecanese were owned by the Italians since before the war.

Also a satellite image of Greece to help you with the textures and geological aspects.

Finally some stuff from the Greek air force website, it's in Greek but I guess the pictures may be of use. The portrait photo is of Lieutenant Mitralexis that rammed an Italian Cant Z 1007 bis in his Pzl p. 24, crash landed, and proceeded to arrest the surviving members of the crew himself!

I think it's a good idea to make this 1/4 scale map, as one has greater flexibility, and obviously no one enjoys flying for hours in straight lines over the sea.
That said, there's nothing wrong with 1/1 maps.
But my point is I see the logic in this operation.

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