The Slot

Having drooled, many times in the past, over IL2 maps that were under construction, I know what it's like to wonder if they will get this right, and that right, etc.

So, I thought I would post a few screen shots of the areas we just completed, so that you get some idea of what to expect. As I hope you can see, we are trying to capture the combat areas, as faithfully as the limitations of the simulation allow.

Actual combat photo of Gavutu-Tanambogo
[Image: h977471.jpg]
In-Game version, same area - note Skunk's superb coral reefs
[Image: gavutu-1.jpg]
Combat area west of Lunga Point - white areas are kunai grass
[Image: seahorse_2.jpg]
In-game Version of same area - note Seahorse and Galloping Horse areas, for comparison
[Image: seahorse.jpg]

Won't be too much longer guys 8)

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