Somebody had too much beer last night?

fabianfred Wrote:been quiet here for a while....... any news FC..??

There is nothing new, i have encoded new ships in game and I have to add them and their properties in couple of text files. Very boring job so I took a little break from modding and was doing other things.

I plan to make Ships & Life pack which will include new ships and people objects. Both are already coded in game so I need to create properties for them.



Tanker group is finished completely except skins.

Tral0 ___I'll probably just change size slightly for this group, skins needed

Destroyer0 ___not sure what to do here,for first release probably just clones with different skin
DestroyerDmg _______same thing as damaged tanker
DestroyerWreck ___similar as damaged, it will be available only as stationary to eliminate smoke from stacks

Fisherman ____ Without small fisherman boats you can't make convincing Mediterranean map :lol:

Carrier0 ___probably just longer CVE to simulate CVL, new skin
Carrier1 __same

SmallWreck ___same as other wrecks but with one of the smaller ships as basis

Transport0 __different sizes and shapes for this group, armament on some, skins
TransDmg __same as tanker
TransWreck __same as other wrecks

People 1-10

This objects are in their essence vehicles that looks like people. So their movement and behavior is same as vehicles. This is serious limitation but it's possible to achieve good effect with careful mission building.

There will be couple of single person objects and couple of two person objects. Reason for this is in the way vehicles move in game. With object that would consist of plenty of humans there would be very unnatural movement during heading change.

Vehicles are turning around their center during heading change and if you have plenty of humans those in center will turn in place but those on the edges will instantly make huge change ,depending how far from center they are.

There will be few invisible people objects which will have soldiers attached to them so when you get close to them these soldiers will start running. Nice effects possible with careful mission building.

Creating columns of people objects should be possible, didn't try this yet but I don't see any possible problem for that.

Sink times for ships will be changed too, I have some other things on my mind too but I will release Beta as soon as possible and than add or change things after I get feedback from users.


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