Germany and Poland

Or not 1, but few maps, smaller than that, but with many objects.
"Baltic shore and East Prussia": many forests nad lakes (Sttetein/Szczecin, Danzing/Gdansk, Koeningsberg/Kaliningrad
"Central Poland": Kielce, Lodz, Warsaw, Lublin, to border of Prussia (with small part for 1-2 airfields)
"South Poland" : Krakow and Uppper Silesia (Katowice/Kattovitz, Sosnowiec)
"Lower Silesia and Czech Republic": Wroclaw/Breslau, Prague, Dresden
"Polesie": Brest over Bug (Litovsk/"Lithuanian"), Kovel, Rovno
or even Wilno/Vilnuas-Belarussian Minsk region

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