everyone's using the new wrapper?

asheshouse Wrote:Fly_zo

Just to clarify my lingering doubt -- Do your basic files go into root/MODS/z_Basic
So that they are read last within the MODS folder.

My basic files had got split up between root/files and root/MODS so I have made a new root/MODS/z_basic folder with everything in it, disabled root/files by renaming it root/junk, and now everything is working ok.

--- well nearly

I still don't get the new start up screens background0.tga and background0.mat
Do they go in root/MODS/z_basic/gui ?

I've tried that -- and just get a white screen at startup. So I've deleted them and now I'm back to having the Russian startup screen.

as i said wrapper loads MODS subfolders alphabetically so just check if you have any other mod that uses same files+path for gui in some folder before z_basic ( for example:AAA mod pack is using one ) .If you have one ,wrapper will load that file and not one from your z_basic. It is the same system for all mods ( specially for reticle modes .... all using the same files+path3d\cockpits"plane name")

...for your white splash screen , probably you had background0.tga in one mod folder and background0.mat (of different splashscreen) in some other folder

hope that helps


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