again about map tools distribution policy

asheshouse Wrote:The current rules dont seem to be causing a problem to anyone.
At least no complaints are being posted.

The "proof" normally provided is in the form of postings of map extracts showing areas of interest and maybe a start on processing SRTM data or a start on map_c

Anyone wanting to get involved in map making needs to go through these steps anyway, so is there really a problem?

Maybe a recent new starter could comment?

exactly right ....
....and anyway when i do send tools to average user (nothing wrong intended here) i usually must answer questions regarding Microdem and srtm first .... mod structure .... load.ini's .... for which you don't need tools anyway . Questions regarding tools came always after basic has been learned.

There is wrong perception that tools means some kind of map editor .... user friendly application , and when they receive them , half of them give up . I do distribute them from day one so i do know what i'm talking here .

Ask Prodigy , him i really gave hard time before tools ..... but for that he will get any help and advice he needs from me .... step by step if needed .

Again..... we can't decide for things we didn't make (tools). You can't force me which way i want to distribute my mods..... so why forcing authors of tools ?

this whole practicing of democracy fails at one point :tools are not public property .


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