Battle of Britain 'Online' Map WIP

6S.Maraz Wrote:
canonuk Wrote:A little question about actors.static. What's considered a big file? Should I be worried when I get near 100kb? 200kb?

From my experience, up to 350Kb it will load fine, even on a low-end machine


On The Slot we are starting to have memory issues in the map editor version of the FMB. Our actors.static is currently at 267kb, and I am getting consistent memory errors when I try to save.

I think this is not necessarily based on the size of the actors.static, but on what types of objects populate the map file. Based on my experimentation Airdrome points and airfield plates appear to be large "memory hogs". This issue is not causing any great problems with completing The Slot, it just means we had to break the map down into its separate release versions a little earlier (we had originally planned to build every airfield on our working copy of the map, and then create the appropriate historial timeframes from the master).

I just mention this for those who are contemplating creation of very large maps, with high object density...there is a limit guys, so keep that in your mind when you decide what to build.

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