Suggest Smoke, Fire Explosion MOD

Is it possible to have smokes and explosions going off at specific time.

Would like to have explosions, fires and smoke going off in some missions.

They would be on a timed start and stop, or something along those lines.

Think about it reminds me of something like a smoke, fire or explosions vehicle that goes off periodically during it's travel along waypoints.

The effects would have to be big enough to be seen in the air.

Currently, I do this with a workaround. I set artillery to start shooting targets at certain time.

When the targets are destroyed the artillery quits.

The difficulty with doing it this way... It takes time to align and set up artilllery and targets, get them facing the right way in direct line of site with target,etc. Very time consuming.

Then the effect goes away instantly as well.

Explosions might be set to go off periodically through the travel through waypoints.

The Smoke and fire might remain pretty stable, but would probably have short distance between waypoints.

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