08.03.2008, 11:45
The % destroyed trigger for DCG only works with static tanks. You could set static tanks and a percent destroyed, but why would you want to? If you are going to do that it would be better to just place tents at airfields and have the % of tents destroyed or something. That way you are basing ending the campaign on a % of something destroyed at an airfield.
Think of it this way, you have a road that connects two locations. The road network in DCG is made up of a serries of road segiments. So you have ground waypts from Henderson Airfield to Henderson Fighter Airfield. That is a segiment. Then you have a road from Henderson Airfield to Kokombono Villiage. They way the game works is that it advances the armor columns to the next location every mission. So if on mission 1 the armor is at kokombono villiage, that mission is will travel toward Henderson airfield on the preset waypts (road). Whether it gets there or not within the mission span does not matter. The next mission it will be at Henderson Airfield. The tanks will stay there for as many missions as it takes to destroy troops (abstract troops that DCG uses, not tangible troops) and capture the location. When Henderson Airfield is captured (say after 3 missions) the tanks will then start advancing along the road to Henderson Fighter Airfield. They will get there after one mission and a battle will then be fought for that location.
So the road network is a serries of locations connected by road segiments. Actually, think of it like a circuts class. You have voltage sources or whatever connected by wires right? Well same in DCG, the tanks are the current, and they travel along the wire (roads) to the next locations. DCG always makes everything (I mean ground units) move toward the front. Ships either stay in Carrier patrol boxes or follow the sea lanes that the campaign designer makes. They don't necessarily always go to the front, but they do advance to the next road segiment.
I hope this helps you understand
Think of it this way, you have a road that connects two locations. The road network in DCG is made up of a serries of road segiments. So you have ground waypts from Henderson Airfield to Henderson Fighter Airfield. That is a segiment. Then you have a road from Henderson Airfield to Kokombono Villiage. They way the game works is that it advances the armor columns to the next location every mission. So if on mission 1 the armor is at kokombono villiage, that mission is will travel toward Henderson airfield on the preset waypts (road). Whether it gets there or not within the mission span does not matter. The next mission it will be at Henderson Airfield. The tanks will stay there for as many missions as it takes to destroy troops (abstract troops that DCG uses, not tangible troops) and capture the location. When Henderson Airfield is captured (say after 3 missions) the tanks will then start advancing along the road to Henderson Fighter Airfield. They will get there after one mission and a battle will then be fought for that location.
So the road network is a serries of locations connected by road segiments. Actually, think of it like a circuts class. You have voltage sources or whatever connected by wires right? Well same in DCG, the tanks are the current, and they travel along the wire (roads) to the next locations. DCG always makes everything (I mean ground units) move toward the front. Ships either stay in Carrier patrol boxes or follow the sea lanes that the campaign designer makes. They don't necessarily always go to the front, but they do advance to the next road segiment.
I hope this helps you understand