going to get a new custom PC, please give suggestions

Be careful if buying an 8800, the older ones use the G80 core, the new ones use the G92 core, which is superior in performance. All 8800GT's use the 92 core, some newer 8800GTS's use the 92 core. Basically, the 8800GT out performs the older 8800 GTS with the G80 core and is close to the performance of the 8800GTX, but far less expensive. It is a good value.

I'm watching the new cards. The 9600GT is being delayed, but should be a great performer and really, the whole 9600 line has a lot of promise. I don't know when we will see a full line of 9600's as Nvidia's line of 8800's pretty much beats anything ATI can put out. I fear that we may not see anything new from Nvidia until ATI or Intel deliver something that will beat the current line of Nvidia products.

Oh, and Nvidia may end up purchasing AMD/ATI, if that happens Intel will be the competition and honestly, Intel has not been know for great video cards or even good on board video.

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