Somebody had too much beer last night?

Here is little update.
As it is usually in life there is good and bad news. Bad news is that options in making new ships are extremely limited so most of the ships will be just resized version of existing ships and in some cases armament will be added or changed.

Good news is that I'm working with Archie who is making skins for ships so new ships will come with new skins. Only problem in this cooperation is Archie's limited knowledge of English but that only slow things down.

Here is final list of ships that will be included in first version.

1-Tanker0-------finished, Archie need to make skin
2-Tanker1-------finished, Archie need to make skin
3-Tanker2-------almost finished, I'll add one cannon , Archie need to make skin
4-TankerDmg-------finished, Archie need to make skin

5-Tral0------not finished
6-Tral1------not finished

7-Destroyer0----not finished, that will be just a clone of US Fletcher class destroyer
8-Destroyer1----not finished,that will be just a clone of US Fletcher class destroyer
9-Destroyer2----not finished,that will be just a clone of US Fletcher class destroyer
10-DestroyerDmg----not finished,that will be damaged destroyer
11-DestroyerWreck----not finished,this will be half sunken ship

12-Fisherman----not finished, that will be small fisherman boat

13-Carrier0 ------not finished but that will be HMSIllustrious with Graff Zeppelin skin
14-Carrier1------not finished, probably resized CVE if I solve problem with take off

15-SmallWreck-----finished,available as stationary ship only, Archie need to make skin

16-Transport0------Transport group is not finished, it will be resized and changed some details,
17-Transport1------armament will be added on some ships, Archie need to make skins.
19-Transport3 ------
21-TransWreck--finshed,available as stationary ship only, Archie need to make skin

22-MAS501JP---Cloned MAS501 torpedo boat, skin finished(Japanese), changes in armament needed
23-MAS501UNE --Cloned MAS501 torpedo boat, skin finished(USA), changes in armament needed
24-MAS501UNP--Cloned MAS501 torpedo boat, skin finished(USA), changes in armament needed
25-MAS501RN --Cloned MAS501 torpedo boat, skin finished(USA), changes in armament needed

26-DestroyerRN---Clone of Russian Type7 destroyer ,Royal Navy skin
27-DestroyerKM-- Clone of Russian Type7 destroyer ,Kriegsmarine skin


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