AI mod?

reflected Wrote:We all know the most irritating side of il2: the AI.
The AI can't blackout/ redout, manages it's engine perfectly, sees through the clouds, and trough its wing or tail. Frendly AIs shoot down the hun that you've been chasing for 5 minutes, having used almost all your ammo, and just when you line up for the final burst, bang bang " This is yellow three, He's history" .
Is there any way to help this?

I've edited as petition similar topic and it was removed by moderators here..hope this only because doubled by you.. I would like you, me and many others bored by A.I. post 4.01 have enough breath as some modder will listen our voice:

-[i]--New Features 4.01

Flight Model

V4.01 introduces the next generation pre-Battle of Britain Flight Model (FM). In this add-on we are introducing a part of the FM from our next simulation (BOB) for worldwide open beta test in our current engine. Flight model in the version 4.01 has already been extensively tested by nearly 40 real pilots from around the world and we received very positive feedback.
It is likely that some people may have a problem in their first attempts to fly with the new flight model, especially with take-offs and landings when FM is set to

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