Very WIP Admiralty Islands... need help

Pleased to introduce my really amateur work, Admiralty Islands, minor theater of Pacific War, invaded by McArthur troops during Feb-April 44, Operation Brewer.

Here is a link :

[Image: Admiralty_3.jpg]

[Image: Admiralty_1.jpg]

But I need help... I have two problems :

1/ I can load the map in FMB ( regular, without any changes ) but I can't save a mis file...

I had the same problem before with some new maps ( Sicily&Malta, Sargegna ) until I made a fresh install, which solved the problem for these maps... but now I have it with my new map !

ANY IDEAS :?: :?: :?:

2/ I have a problem with coastlines, maybe a conflict between map_H or map_T and map_c : some parts of the coast are elevated... take a look at these two pictures you'll understand

[Image: grab0003.jpg]

[Image: grab0002.jpg]

I don't know how to solve it, I used Clockwatcher method with some variations : map_c saved with 1 pixel=200m resized x4 with Sinc (Lanczos3) interpolation in Gimp, it gives for my map a better aspect for the coast than 1 pixel=50m in Microdem method ( --> too geometric ! ) + map_T made with my own adaptation of Clockwatcher Terrain texture curves

ANY IDEAS :?: :?: :?:

May I ask to one of the talented Map Makers if I could send him my files for advice :?: :?: :?:

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :?:

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