Machine gun selection on US planes

If there's one thing I really hate it's to unexpectantly run out of ammo. You've all been there, you finally get the guy in your sights after a long hard fight, pull the trigger and you get a big fat nothing. You pull the trigger again and again pleading "I only need a few more rounds" Crap!! If only I was in a P-47...

I know gun selection was possible on some US planes. The P-47 in the game is the only all gun plane that splits it's guns up and can be fired seperately. The P-51D has different loads for two of the 6 guns but none of the others give any warning of low ammo. Tracers are always loaded so that's out.

My question is:
Can machine guns on appropriate model planes be changed to allow them to either be selected and cycled through or fire separately like the P-47?

I don't know enough about programming to know if something like this would even be possible.

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