
Yes people, i am in the right place, i think. i have a question about the duration of the Smoke on destroyed stationary aircraft. How can i change this? I have the "smokes-Effects" map in my MOD Folder, but i also see there is a AAA Map within my MOD Folder. which one of them do i have to eddid? because it looks like there are 3 maps, all having something do do with changing smoke and stuff.

Some of the EFF files called: SmokeBlack_Wreckage_Explode:

ClassName TSmokeSpiralParams
MatName ..\Materials\WhiteSmoke.mat
Color0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
Color1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3
nParticles 200
FinishTime -1
MaxR 1
PhiN 4.0
PsiN 4.0
LiveTime 25
EmitVelocity 1.0 2.0
EmitFrq 48.0
Wind 0.8
Size 1.0 4.0
GasResist 0.1
VertAccel 1.0
Rnd 0.25
EmitTheta 0.0 30.0

What does most of the stuff mean?

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