MapC tool for large files !!!! solution

I was working on a full scale map of Spain that included all of six sectors from the SRTM GeoTiff downloads. I managed to get it scaled up properly and was getting out of memory errors on CMAP.

I upped the mem to 1024 and then 2048 and it still would not work, but I noticed it errored faster on the 2048 setting. This made me think it was not taking the 2048 meg setting as valid. (I have 4 gigs on an WinXP system). So then I tried setting it to 1536 megs and then it worked!

So if you are trying to process a large map don't assumeyou can just keep raising the mem limit in the .bat file. I do not know if this is because of WinXP's max memory limit, so if you use a 64 bit OS you might be able to set the RAM level higher, it would be nice to know if someone with Vista wants to experiment.

Unfortunately I still can not get my map to load in FMB, it starts loading and then goes to "Loading Landscape" and just sits there, not erroring out or freezing, just eternally loading (I waited up to an hour) I think it might have to do with the ed_01map file being so large since it is RGB and about 400 mgs in size. (map_c was only 13 megs after processing which seems rather small for a 25,600x22400 file before processing as well)

I have two other small maps of sections of Spain working so I think I am doing things right, though.

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