Somebody had too much beer last night?

Baco1170 Wrote:FC it turns out I need Another Illustrious class.
Will it work to add a folder named carrier 3 and then add the corresponding text in the .ini files?

Sine I have the feeling taht it wont work, can you add a carrier 3 if I provide the skin for it?

Can it be the HNLMS Karel Doorman, or does it have to be a WWII skin?
And I am doing the 25 de Mayo, witch is the same boat but under Argentinian flag, If you want it its yours too.

I have the ARA Independencia in the original Ilustrious slot. Its not mine but if interested I might speak with the author of the skin and see if he wants to share it.

This will not work because Ships slots have to be coded in Java but you can temporary replace one of the ships( it must be one from ships.ini) with new carrier. For example you can use DestroyerDmg slot for another carrier.

Copy files from Illustrious to DestroyerDmg folder and copy all entries from ships.ini except name of the ship, this is how it should look.

Description  Illustrious Class Carrier

Icon         shipDestroyer

// Model
Mesh         3do/Ships/DestroyerDmg/Hier.him

// Motion Parameters
SliderDistance 567.5
Speed          28.243 //56.486
SoundMove      models.Ship

IsAirport      1

We are working on new Ship pack and there will be more carriers in it.

Quote:AND, anybody knows what file determines how many planes and where do they spawn on board a carrier?

This info is inside mesh files, you need to make changes with hex editor, it took me plenty of time to figure out how it works because without changing mesh files it would be impossible to make San Jacinto which is coming in next patch.

As this thread is not about ships only I can announce that I'm working on TargetBox objects that can be used as targets for area bombing insted of placing hundreads of cars and trains.


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