New Vc Pits for testing...

Big Grin Oh i know it Fly zo, but there is a different view in this mirror like Vc pits Mod with.
You can try it and you will know the ONE BIG DIFFERENT. Big Grin
Especialy view in Vc pits Mod is that what i want to see in my mirror view. And you can use 6DOF too. Its great.
Old Mods are not soo good for Hellcat and P-51 like this one. :? I know, of course its better like no one Mirror in P-51, Hellcat !
Old default mirrors in Spitfire, Hurri , Wildcat and other planes - are the same :? Did you see an enemy on your six in default mirror view on G-50 ? I never been see him on my six :oops: :lol:
What about Spitfire MK.I ? I think it is possible to do it.

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