Locations In Solomons 4 Slot Map

Well this little VMF-213 project is really taking an interesting turn, thanks to the search for Lolabinauri.

as I posted I had mailed several historians whom were running Sites on this squadron. I got wonderful feed back, Including Photos, Original Copies of the Maps This Squadron had (Lots of names on it, Im searching), Log Books, and other Squadron Docs.

These people also had not heard of Lolabinauri. Which makes me thing that Lt. Winnia, who's Diary it is listed in might have been trying to Phoneticly spell something he heard, and did not see written.

Either way, just cause I LOVE the Reserch, I wanted to show you a taste of what they gave me, so you can see how Historical this lil thing is going to be.

[Image: rwVotawLogBook-30p.jpg]

[Image: wdApril25MKPeytonThoughts.jpg]

[Image: WarDiary213-p021.jpg]

P.S. If any of you stumble on any more info on Lolabinauri please let me know!

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