Display drivers stop working, then recover

Maybe...I have tried Rivatuner. It will not actually let me change fan speed. I do exactly what is called for, but no profile I launch or make actually runs. I can make three or more step profiles no problem; they just never run. I cannot even set the constant speed at all, either. I'm thinking there's some Vista compatibility issues

I had thought it was mod related at first, but this problem crops up on more programs than just Il2

One problem is my CPU- it's sometimes running at 63% while I am not actively using the PC, just as it sits running windows. And I suspect that some Vista updates I have installed are compounding the issues

I am calling some PC repair places tomorrow to inquire about a fresh WinXP install with my PC and getting rid of Vista. I'm mentally preparing myself to burn my skinning templates to DVD and send the PC out. I am tired of fighting for the privilege of controlling my PC. I cannot even disable Diskeeper on my startup menu without Vista telling me I must undo the changes or else run only in diagnostic mode. My time spent fixing this is costing me more than a new PC. About 8 grand more in fact, because I am supposed to be prepping and selling a car in my "real world" life

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