[MOD] AP_Ukraine Summer and Winter

Introducing Ukraine Map MOD Winter and Summer for ver.4.08 or higher

NEED download

This project has been on going for three weeks now.
All my map creating skills have been tested here-in.
I am a newbe and I joined this forum after I learned
that IL2 mod's where possible. I used all the knowledge
here (tools tutorials etc.) on this forum I could and I
am very satisfied with the results, so much so I wish
to share it with you all.

1.) I was able to find the Kiev maps using the SFS.exe program.
once I figured out how it searched the data in the *.sfs files.
Kiev was in fb_maps13 btw.

2.) learned how to use microdem and put together the elevation
data and created a new Map_h.tga.

3.) Learned what was required in the file task relationship
through trial and error. So I consider I have a good understanding
of the actors.stadic, map_t, map_h, map_c and map_f,(as for the
map_m ?). For this process the FMB+ and map tools was an absolute
essential component.

What I decided to create was a new Kiev map, both summer and winter.
using a more detailed and interesting terrain model.
By removing 253 of the 405 bridges and reworked all the water to
essentially one large river (the Dnieper River), but all the areas that
had water will still look like wet lands (using textures) but vehicles
will be able to cross them un restricted. This water change frees up a
whole new dynamic with ground vehicles for guys who like huge tank
battles and a dis-like the congestion of large convoys at bridges.
More over this lack of bridges makes for a more fluid front line.
I also added an Air field north of Koroston, in the north west corner
as well as adding some new roads and long rail lines with much fewer
choke points.
If you are a ground pounder like I am you will love this new map mod.
And with 26 airfields air 2 air combat can be enormous.

Historically Germany and her allies came in 1941 and withdrew in 1944
The Ukraine saw it all, the blitzkrieg of German might in 41 and the titanic
forces of the Red Army's drive west after the German's withdrawal from
the battle of Kursk in July 43. The final battle for Kiev started August 43
and ground to exhaustion in December 43. The Ukraine was hell all way.

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