21.04.2008, 06:41
A.I. changed after 3.04 official patch whith the introduction of "...the same engine used by the player...beta test pre-BOB release..." as per Oleg team 1c explanation in readme 4.01.
This feature would have been just a BETA TEST, BUT, as per entusiast people who wrote IN HURRY in the official forum in the few days after this release this feature of A.I. (that really after a while was discovered it was really a cheating A.I.) it was never changed back.Sadly..
This feature would have been just a BETA TEST, BUT, as per entusiast people who wrote IN HURRY in the official forum in the few days after this release this feature of A.I. (that really after a while was discovered it was really a cheating A.I.) it was never changed back.Sadly..