Map Trouble. Cant save missions. -SOLVED-

Thnaks Fisneakey, I did do a search and thats what had me so confused, I had no duplicates (i did this serach becouse my air ini is still giving me grief with the Blitz pack - every time I add any of teh mods panes to teh ini, teh sim crashes at 60%.. still working on that), and All my ini files, are in an "INI" folder (in the MODS folder) so I know where to look for them from now on, and check very thoroughlly every mod I install to se if it adds any aditional folder.

When ever I install moded or cloned objects I manually insert the necesary text in my inis, in this folder and erase any other...

I think Potenz is right and I must have been using a modified Static ini, from teh time I instaled teh destruction mode with teh all in one isntall. or then aagian, maybe i screwed soemthing up when installing a dskin or cloned objects mod , since I love those, jeje.

Anyway I

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