Idea on how to get proper FM for more of 'what if' aircrafts

I have an idea how to find out how each of these would get (by some chances) proper FM by this methods:

According to X plane website:

"X-Plane reads in the geometric shape of any aircraft and then figures out how that aircraft will fly. It does this by an engineering process called "blade element theory", which involves breaking the aircraft down into many small elements and then finding the forces on each little element many times per second. These forces are then converted into accelerations which are then integrated to velocities and positions"

X plane would be used to test these 'what if' these aircraft were actual built, then these result of flight envoriments and informations would be used as FM work for il-2 1946, when it come to modifying the aircraft model to include these 'what if' aircrafts.

What do everyone think of this, in case if we add more of 'what if' aircrafts of Allied and Axis for further 'what if' scenario, according to this thread:



Chaoic out...

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