DCG: An idiot's Guide

ex_RAAF_Elecfitter Wrote:So how do I get DCG to see any of The Slot maps and generate campaigns for them?

You need to make all the DCG files for them. You need to make or edit:

- A master Map
- maps.dcg
- offmap.dcg
- A rds file
- A prd file
- A srd file
- allcampaigns.dcg
- grandcampaign.dcg

You can get the map name by saving a mission, then opening the .mis file.

I will also just let you know, there is a newly formed Team DCG. We are planning on making campaigns for the entire game (all three theaters). We are currently working on a DCG campaign for the Slot (We are doing the Pacific first). We plan on doing the entire Pacific war. A couple maps are done, but still need some further attention.

Also for any one else wondering, the Malta maps are going to be released with the European Theater Campaign. That way you get everything at once.

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