Modded maps compatibility.

vpmedia Wrote:
fly_zo Wrote:...guys, using other people's static.ini files isn't good idea (different systems, mods, destruction data ....)

get yourself default static.ini ( up with 4.09b1m objects) and learn how to update it for new mods


ok, but if I want to use the destruction mod (which I like a lot) then I need to keep that static.ini (+ other ini files)

for example I cannot install the ShipPack because that ini files arent compatible with the destruction mod so I think the right solution would be to make later mods compatible with it or at least an optional sub-version

You could disable the "ships.ini" part of the destruction mod and still use the static.ini with the destruction mod data. (there is no static.ini in ship pack - so thats not where the conflict lies).

Move them to the STD\com.... path too and ensure no duplicates exist.

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