
OK guys,

I ran into trouble and had to reinstall my 1946 game. I have been reinstalling all the mods and now I have an issue.

*) I have 1946 DVD with sound-mod v9.3 and 4.091b patch. I have installed the new wrapper and have a bunch of mods installed.

Now, when I install any of the new planes (Me410, Spit_Mk1, RDW-8, Bf110G4, Beau10) ... my game will crash while loading (always at 60%). I have tried several different ways and have gone through and I know there are no douplicate files. I know because I even went into the Files folder and deleated my and out of the Files folder AND out of my fileslist.txt.

No matter what or how, whenever I add the air.ini OR and, my game crashes at 60% loadup EVRY TIME. It did not do this before, so I have no clue why it does it now???

I have no friggin idea on how to proceed now. Does anyone have advice or can help?

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