Battle of France Map - Part 2 - WIP

Not making much progress at the moment due to other commitments but hoping to get back to it soon.

Urban texture editing for the southeast area of the map (R Meuse/Ardennes) has been completed, then hit problems with Autopop. Large areas of town were missing objects perhaps because of road or rail in the texture squares? or perhaps due to issues with boundary areas between different textures? I need to try making a special map_T with no roads for using with AutoPop to see if that solves the problem.

Once I can get AutoPop working properly its just a case of editing each of the larger towns to correct object auto-placement errors.

The parts of the map where AutoPop worked correctly look pretty good, even before editing.

The area I've been concentrating on completing is St Quentin to Luxembourg (east-west) and Laon to Namur (north-south).

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