Battle of France Map - Part 2 - WIP

Progress! AutoPop problems solved. All towns and villages in the southeast quarter of the map are now populated.

This is Luxembourg. I've reduced the spread of all of the cities to improve framerates, but tried to keep enough of a big city feel.

I now have to manually edit all of the built up areas to remove objects on highways, railways and rivers. Should be straight forward now to complete the southeast quarter.

zipzapp - I will try your tip for clearing roads and water. As for templates, I have two densities of template for sk_country_mount, sk_DownCity and sk_MidCity. Also have a template for sk_Factory, though I think this is more useful just for cutting and pasting blocks. I started to put together a similar template for rail stations but this needs more work. I'm happy to send these to anyone who can use them.

[Image: Untitled-20.jpg]

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