Battle of France Map - Part 2 - WIP

Many thanks, asheshouse. I forgott to say: My two templates are for bigcountry.tga. I uploadet them to ... einfo.html

(Name was ... village_small_actors.static; filefront changed that)

and ... einfo.html


After renaming them to actors.static they are ready to be used within the autopop map with the bigcountry in the bigger square for tuning, enhancing or deleting ;-) Left outside the square ist some 'raw material". Autopop.exe seems to ignore that.

I will make this or that other template and publish ist. Main advantage with sharing templates is that we can easyly use different types of citys pp. in a map. Nevertheless any serious mapmaker will further on make own templates. They are welcome to share too.

May be Mr. Jolly will be so kind to open a special slot for sharing templates or even special objects like castels, harbours, airports and so on? Would make mapping work much easier? (Yes! I donated! (a few month ago). And i do it again! )

No idea what 'creating brdges" makes. Tested it a while ago and expected created bridges. Nothing happend. May be ths works only at height 0?

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