Airfield Layouts and Problems with AI

Deacon - The Cut and Paste option can be used in FMB Map Editor Mode -- but you have to assign keys, as per the instructions that come with the map tools.

Add these lines to the end of the [HotKey builder] section of your conf.ini

Ctrl C=copy
Ctrl X=cut
Ctrl V=paste

As well as using these functions to copy or move groups of objects on a specific map you can also open a "template" map, copy objects, then open your working map and paste them in. -- Very useful.

Now to Wiltz Airfield

I had a solitary wood texture hidden under the runway plates, so I've changed that to airfield texture.

The airfield is a minimum of 30km from the map edge so I dont think thats the problem.

If you open the inflight map you can see the Waypoints for the airfield circuit appear which my pair of Me109's then start to follow. The circuit turns anticlockwise over an area of high ground, then the last but one Waypoint of the circuit comes out over the valley. At this point the plane track switches back to the first point of the circuit. The second circuit results in the same error at the same point.

I guess that the circuit waypoints are allocated heights relative to a flat surface and that what is happening is that the Me109 is not able to change height quick enough to stay within the allocated approach envelope, therefore the AI defaults back to the start of the circuit. When I use the Feiseler, because it is slower and more maneuverable, it is able to stay within the envelope and completes the landing.

This may need some thought to overcome :?

Magpie - I think what you are referring to is the way in which objects do not automatically change height when you adjust terrain levels. I just ignore the apparent visual mismatches, complete my terrain height adjustments, then close down the editor, swap across the saved files, and re-open. The heights of all the objects which appeared wrong will have been adjusted to the new terrain levels.

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