Possible to have guncam written to ntrk file for replay?

I asked Oleg at a Flight Sim show if it would be possible to have this added to the ntrk or trk file. If you have seen BoBII:WoV by Shockwave, they actually do this.

When you depress the trigger button, it writes to the replay file to say that the action is guncamera. As I understand it, the action lasts for approx. 20 seconds, and is updated to run for a further 20 seconds if the button is pressed again within the recording time.

What would be brilliant is if in the play ntrk or trk window, there was an option for guncamera.

Playing that back would only show the point that the trigger was depressed!

Now as I always say, I have no idea if this is possible, but if you don't ask, you don't get!

Cheers, MP.

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