Okay, I'm frustrated after hours of trying to get this to work and I'm clueless about what I've done wrong. Noob here so be kind please. Smile I first installed the QMB.exe file a while back and things worked as advertised. I then have downloaded QMBPlus_1.1.zip and extracted those into the right places and added the new info in the included files to the right files as instructed. In my IL-2 directory I have a "Files" folder, a "Missions" folder with a "Quick" sub folder added and I have a "MODS" with a QMBV2 folder with its own Missions folder with a Quick folder in that. Got all that? Smile

So I'm trying to add the Sinai map into QMB. I've created a SinaiRedNone00.mis and a Blue one and have put it into each and every place mentioned above to cover my bases. I've added the name "Sinai" into the Config.ini file as instructed and I've also addded an entry into the fileslist.txt file. I go into QMB and I see the Sinai map listed there I select it and choose my planes and click fly and get the data file corrupt message! One weird thing I"ve noticed is that the QMBPlus says that it has done away with the BnZ selection but I still have it, plus I don't have a button to go directly into the FMB from the QMB so this is telling me that something is wrong with the QMBPlus install that I've tried a few times now. For the life of me I can't figure out what it is. Any kind soul out there know what is up with what I've done nad how to fix it? Thanks!

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