[DOWNLOAD] "Ba$tards of the Slot" campaign

I had forgotten this thread. Thanks for bumping it guys.
Gambinobros - go ahead. I stole my ideas from Dubbo's campaigns Big Grin
Vince - good to see you over here.
Anyway, progress has hit a wall as I have spent the last three nights trying to land a C-47, a glider, a B-24, a Ju52 (seaplane and regular) on one of those little US carriers (it makes sense, kind of) with any kind of consistency. Alas, it's impossible to do so I'm going to have to change the carrier for one of the bigger ones, I suppose Cry

Anyway, some more pics.
It doesn't always go the way you think it will...
[Image: droppingin.jpg]

Sometimes it does though Tongue Here, scum from the Bolshevist Federation pay with their lives :evil: :evil:
[Image: seaplaneburns.jpg]

And here is what I've been trying, mainly unsuccessfully, to do.
[Image: c47landing.jpg]
[Image: c47landed.jpg]
[Image: b25ondeck.jpg]
This is a hostile take-over!
[Image: b25raisinghell.jpg]

Just seeing what would happen...
[Image: ju52float.jpg]
[Image: oops.jpg]

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