Okay, I am definitely doing something wrong. I tried again with Sinai and now with the Malta map and I got the same error. This is what I'm doing:

Open FMB and load mrz_Malta (or dlv_Sinai)

I select an object from the plane list. At first I chose a particular plane, these last two times I just took the first one that shows A-20C

I then make way points toward the enemy territory and back to home with the last waypoint a landing.

I then make sure there are 4 planes in the flight and proceed to make 3 more flights with 4 planes in each with the same amount of waypoints ending with a landing.

I then do the same thing for the blue side and use the same plane (initially I would pick a specific blue plane) and make sure all flights are blue with 4 planes in all 4 flights.

I then add 6 AAA around each airfield on each side making sure they are of the right color.

I then save the mission as MaltaBlueNone00.mis and MaltaRedNone00.mis. (or do the same for Sinai)

I make sure that Malta (or Sinai) in in the config.ini like Custom36=Malta.

I then make sure the Filelist.txt has the following lines: Missions/Quick/MaltaBlueNone00.mis
(did the same for Sinai)

Of course I save each file when exiting and have triple checked all have the above info.

I see the selection of Malta and Sinai in QMB and set up my planes making sure my target is the default of None and hit "fly" and then I get the "Wrong Target Selected" message!

What am I doing wrong? The directions I have to do this say to do everything I've listed above and nothing else. Can anyone help me? Thanks!

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