WIP ? vol_ItalyAfricaGreece

lowfighter Wrote:Redfox, I was looking at your load.ini and noticed all the texture regions are assigned (lowland0=assigned midland3=assigned etc). Did you use all of the regions on your map_T? I'm asking because it would have been nice to have at least one region assigned to some crop field texture (for example land/summer/rom_fields_LowLand2.tga ). So that one can have those fields close to towns.

You're right about how you read the load.ini.
When I started the construction of the map had identified some texture for each area of the land.
Now I prepare nell'upgrade that I tried to use other textures to see new landscapes.
The colour of the ground was all manually done piece by piece and change the texture used to say he wanted to work for longer still.
The texture that you suggest I am wrong or is of 4.09?
I do tests to see what use but the boards are always welcome.
Thank you

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