Bumpy runways, Kursk Map

I presume you have created new map_h files for these maps.

The problem is that runway plates cannot be laid down neatly unless the terrain is level, or at a constant slope. If the runway is sloped then the change of level should not be more than about 1 metre per 200m grid otherwise the AI has problems maintaining the correct height on approach.

You may need to use FMB Map Editor to correct adjust the heights on map_h
When you edit the height the scenery will look wrong until you exit and reload with the new files. The object heights are not adjusted interactively in FMB Map Editor.

map_h can also affect AI planes when they enter the airfield circuit prior to landing. If there is a lot of ground variation under the approach circuit the aircraft can "lose" the correct approach envelope in which case the game engine sends the aircraft back to the start of the approach circuit. An endless loop then occurs. For large aircraft the approach circuit is about 4km out. Look at the in game map as an aircraft approaches to see where the flight path goes.

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