[DOWNLOAD TOUR 1] (Slot) VMF-213 Hell Hawks Campaign

[Image: T1HendersonBaseOps.jpg]
Henderson Base Ops

[Image: T1HendersonDmgedAC.jpg]
Henderson Damaged Aircraft, and destroyed Pagoda.

[Image: T1HendersonMedical.jpg]
Henderson Medical, Destroyed Pagoda again.

[Image: T1FighterOneConstructionandCParea.jpg]
Fighter One Dispersal, and Base Op areas, and Construction

[Image: T1VilaAirealPhoto.jpg]
Vila Aireal Photo

[Image: T1VangaVanga.jpg]
Vanga Vanga Japanese Supply Base

[Image: T1RekataSPB.jpg]
Rekata Sea Plane Base

[Image: T1RekataSPBHangerandCP.jpg]
Rekata Sea Plane Base Hanger, and CP

[Image: T1PapaturaIslandAnchorage.jpg]
IJN Papatura Island Anchorage

[Image: T1DisapointmentCoveAnchorage.jpg]
Disapointment Cove IJN Anchorage and Major Supply Base for Tokyo Express

[Image: T1HiddenBargesatDisapointmentCove.jpg]
Hidden Barges at Disapointment Cove

[Image: T1MundaBaseOps.jpg]
Munda Base Ops

[Image: T1MundaCP.jpg]
Munda CP

[Image: T1MundaFuelDepot3.jpg]
Munda Fuel Depot

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