Drop Tanks......

Well drop tanks were common with all Japanese aircraft...Those I speak of and the type of tank most deffinately. Though my request would be with a single Dtank, only half the fuel added of 2 YET FM change would remain as with 2 (so really no change using dual tanks), and drag would remain the same as well as weight as 2....Torque to be untouched.

As tho the Ki-43....No drop tanks is just wrong...very wrong....The ERRORS in bomb loadouts (having bombs at all in the Ko and Otsu Ki-61 wrong, Hei could also be 100Kg or for many planes using one bomb and one tank) a weapons issue.....SO though again costing the plane as to weight and drag with less punch, never the less to cagey to broach.

So just a single tank option on the Ki-61 and Ki-43 to be mounted on the left wing......and drop tanks added to Ki-43-II.


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