Carrier Takeoff Mod 5.3.3 (updated 7/23/2009)

HundertzehnGustav Wrote:dont know, just a feeling.
the interior of the carriers are empty.
how would YOU go about creating an elevator?
What purpose would it serve, while you are down in the hanar, the Flight deck is closed for operations. People have to either ditch their planes or crash them into the Carrier.
If possible, it would demand such deep knowledge of the basic game code that we have 2015 before it is understood.

and by then, SoWBOB will have 350 flyable planes anyway. Big Grin

1st... If its me that do this than if U downlaod it I'm sure your pc will crash :wink:
2d... I dont know, like in forgotten hope in BF1942. I was just asking cause Iwant my sim to be as real as possible. For take off I agree it would be complicated, but for exemple, If you have no ammo left or your plane is damaged I you've got some airplane firing at you and you land, I dont know.... maybe play Hide & seek :roll: But U know, there's a lot of thing on this site that is not made for "purpose"..... It add realism and I've download it all :twisted:

PS: BTW, I would like to thanks every modder here cause you're doing things so amazing and that take so much of you're time and make il2 THE best sim ever 8)

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