What's the correct way to employ CS?

Maybe there's still something wrong with your MWactors.static. What happens if you place in your folder the original vol_ita_actors.static, and make the correspinding change in vol_ita_load.ini and than try to open the map in normal FMB mode (not in FMB map mode). Does the map load? In case that it loads then there's something wron with MWactors.static. In which case please post here as detailed as possible all the steps you did to create the MWactors, starting with the "extract" operation, then use of the CS tool and the the "compose" operation. How big is your MWactors.static? If it's small, just open it with notepad, copy the text and paste it here, I can try to check it...maybe tomorrow.
You'll manage in the end, don't get frustrated! :lol:

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