What's the correct way to employ CS?

Ok, so let's say I want to break vol_ita actors.static into smaller parts such that I can then work with these in FMB map mode.
The folder vol_ItalyAfricaGreece contains as you said an actors.static file with the name "vol_ita_actors.static"
As you did I create a folder let's say "vol_ItalyAfricaGreece_actors" somewhere and I place there the files:
Readme.txt (not necessary but in case I want to quickly refresh my memory.
As you did I open windows prompt and navigate to this folder and run
java -jar Act.jar extract vol_ita_actors.static
As a result I get the following output files:

Now the file which has to be split with the CS program is outBuildings.txt. (It is not necessary that you split the other outfiles, leave them as they are, if you want to modify the atributes which are determined by the other outfiles you can do that in FMB map mode after you have constructed your smaller actors.static )

So let's come back to our outBuildings.txt
You copy just the file outBuildings.txt and you place it in the CS program folder and you run the CS program.
Then you get as output the outBuildings_cut1.txt and outBuildings_cut2.txt.
Let's say the one which you want to use is outBuildings_cut1.txt
First open it with notepad and make sure there are no blank (empty) lines at the bottom). If there are blank lines then just delete them and save.
Now copy the file and paste it into the "vol_ItalyAfricaGreece_actors" folder
Next, in this folder :
rename outBuildings_cut1.txt to inBuildings.txt
rename outNStationary.txt to inNStationary.txt
rename outChiefs.txt to inChiefs.txt
rename outChiefsRoad.txt to inChiefsRoad.txt
rename outWing.txt to inWing.txt

So now in the folder you have

Now go again to the windows prompt
and run

java -jar Act.jar create
After a while (depending on how big was your inNStationary.txt) the final MWactors.static is created

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