discuss only** Thailand-East Burma-Indo-China map

Well, after uninstalling Thailand map, Channel map object files for both maps and hangar mods and recorrecting static.ini etc and reinstalling a few times I still can't save missions on this AWESOMELY WONDERFUL MAP!!
I've resorted to using the original Thailand map with normal 4.09 objects which saves missions exceedingly well.
My first project will be a template of a completely built up area of Chiang Mai from scratch.
I live in Chiang Mai so that's the place on this great map for me to start.

I want to modify some skins from the object TGA list (quite a large file) that I downloaded for 4.09.
I also have the TGA converter. I have Photoshop 7.
Is there anything else I need to modify building/objects skins?

I hope to have this template finished in a month.


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