SLI/CF performance increased?

Well, I get a wonderful performance at 1920*1200 in perfect settings with AA x4.

The question is I want to play at this resolution but with Supersampling AA (through nHancer) x16SS (nor multisampling MSAA nor CSAA).

I get better fps than chickenchocker (8800GT SLI) in BlackDeath (my maximum is 122 and minimiun is 37) but with MSAA x4. I need SSAA x16.

The main question is:

There are games which aren't improved with SLI/CF because they aren't fully compatible with this technology (for example, FSX).

Is IL-2 1946 (and maybe BoB SoW) ready to be boosted in a SLI/CF rig or the performance is equal running two cards in CF than one only?

I know IL-2 is more dependent from CPU, but my CPU is a C2D 8400 at 4.0Ghz!! What else can you get for a game which only runs in one core?

Thanks in advance.

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