22.08.2008, 00:42
Kopfdorfer Wrote:I first noticed the problem when trying a Quick Mission to check out my progress on solving the cockpit reskin issues. When I chose each of the "lost" 109s in QMB, then clicked the advanced loadout button, nothing happened. Only recently did I hit fly anyway, just to see what would happen. The error screen that came up may provide a clue, to those of you that know, exactly what I may have done .this hier.him file should in the ,MODS\coclpits BF 109 MOD \3do\Cockpit\BF109***,you delete them?
Error screen reads :
Mission Loadin Failed: INTERNAL
ERROR:HierMeshObj:can't load
Any thoughts???
von Kopfdorfer
or you delete sth it must load,just reinstall the cockpit MOD may repair it.