24.08.2008, 23:10
When you first manage to get your map to load into the FMB the textures will probably look a mess like this...
try using these lines for your load.ini ... so that each texture has a unique colour and you can easily spot which texture is being applied to what height setting...
LowLand0 = land/Pacific/burmascrub.tga
LowLand1 = land/summer/LowLand_2.tga
LowLand2 = land/summer/greed.tga
LowLand3 = land/Pacific/JungleKT.tga
MidLand0 = land/summer/midland.tga
MidLand1 = land/Pacific/ChichiGrass.tga
MidLand2 = land/Pacific/fields_kevtungatt2.tga
MidLand3 = land/summer/grnd/fields_sand3.tga
Mount1 = land/summer/bottommount.tga
Mount0 = land/summer/grnd/GRND_04gr.tga
Mount2 = land/summer/Asphalt.tga
Mount3 = land/winter/Snow4.tga
Country0 = land/summer/GermanFields1.tga
Country1 = land/summer/greynoise.tga
Country2 = land/summer/fields_highmount.tga
Country3 = land/summer/trenches.tga
City0 = land/Pacific/fields_Imphal.tga
City1 = lland/Pacific/field_Clay.tga
City2 = land/summer/field5_burma.tga
City3 = land/summer/factory.tga
AirField0= land/summer/fields_airfieldBurma.tga
AirField1= land/Pacific/Imphal_af_new.tga,-2
Wood0 = forest/summer/JungleKTABurma.tga
Wood1 = land/summer/fields_airbase_dust.tga
Wood2 = forest/summer/JungleFarBurma.tga
Wood3 =
Water0 = land/summer/sk_midland4.tga
Water1 = water/water.tga
Water2 = water/CoralCoastLine.tga, -2
Water3 = land/summer/grnd/fields_sand3.tga
then try adjusting the map_t in Photoshop ...adjust the contrast and/or brightness to get the texture lying at the heights on your map you want them to be at....
some maps with a very large range in height from sea level to mountain tops will even use textures from the airfields/city/or water sections...so you will need to adjust the map_t to lessen or increase the differences, otherwise you will have no textures free to allow building cities/towns/airstrips
Once you have your map showing up as a layer cake with strips of textures at different heights, you can start to assign the textures you require
Work upon the map_c first to get the rivers lakes correct.....then check the water/land edges to pull them down using the blur tool.......then lay the rail and road (this will affect textures underneath) ....... add towns/airstrips/bridges/harbours
last of all check textures by hand in 3D mode
If making a smaller than full scale map then
3:4 scale mapC = 75pixel; h/t are 300m/pixel
1:2 scale mapc = 100pixel; h/t are 400m/pixel
try using these lines for your load.ini ... so that each texture has a unique colour and you can easily spot which texture is being applied to what height setting...
LowLand0 = land/Pacific/burmascrub.tga
LowLand1 = land/summer/LowLand_2.tga
LowLand2 = land/summer/greed.tga
LowLand3 = land/Pacific/JungleKT.tga
MidLand0 = land/summer/midland.tga
MidLand1 = land/Pacific/ChichiGrass.tga
MidLand2 = land/Pacific/fields_kevtungatt2.tga
MidLand3 = land/summer/grnd/fields_sand3.tga
Mount1 = land/summer/bottommount.tga
Mount0 = land/summer/grnd/GRND_04gr.tga
Mount2 = land/summer/Asphalt.tga
Mount3 = land/winter/Snow4.tga
Country0 = land/summer/GermanFields1.tga
Country1 = land/summer/greynoise.tga
Country2 = land/summer/fields_highmount.tga
Country3 = land/summer/trenches.tga
City0 = land/Pacific/fields_Imphal.tga
City1 = lland/Pacific/field_Clay.tga
City2 = land/summer/field5_burma.tga
City3 = land/summer/factory.tga
AirField0= land/summer/fields_airfieldBurma.tga
AirField1= land/Pacific/Imphal_af_new.tga,-2
Wood0 = forest/summer/JungleKTABurma.tga
Wood1 = land/summer/fields_airbase_dust.tga
Wood2 = forest/summer/JungleFarBurma.tga
Wood3 =
Water0 = land/summer/sk_midland4.tga
Water1 = water/water.tga
Water2 = water/CoralCoastLine.tga, -2
Water3 = land/summer/grnd/fields_sand3.tga
then try adjusting the map_t in Photoshop ...adjust the contrast and/or brightness to get the texture lying at the heights on your map you want them to be at....
some maps with a very large range in height from sea level to mountain tops will even use textures from the airfields/city/or water sections...so you will need to adjust the map_t to lessen or increase the differences, otherwise you will have no textures free to allow building cities/towns/airstrips
Once you have your map showing up as a layer cake with strips of textures at different heights, you can start to assign the textures you require
Work upon the map_c first to get the rivers lakes correct.....then check the water/land edges to pull them down using the blur tool.......then lay the rail and road (this will affect textures underneath) ....... add towns/airstrips/bridges/harbours
last of all check textures by hand in 3D mode
If making a smaller than full scale map then
3:4 scale mapC = 75pixel; h/t are 300m/pixel
1:2 scale mapc = 100pixel; h/t are 400m/pixel