[DOWNLOAD] "Ba$tards of the Slot" campaign

Hey again,
I found the files but that's as far as I got. What skin will appear on the Spit, do you know? I think I set the original Hurri's to be "Markings of"f so if its a marked skin it'll be okay. Can yous end me the readme? As long as you covered any necessary installation and mod info I'm sure it'll be perfect. I'll upload it at M4T.

Now some shots of the latest 'set' I have built. I'm thinking I might try and expand the action around this place little more

Man. Getting some weird problems happening with text input right now. Hal lines are operation independently of the other half. Hope this turns out okay.
[Image: tradetower.jpg]
[Image: tradebros-1.jpg]
[Image: tradebros3.jpg]

And the next installment of "FSM's Bullshit Dogfights!"
This one is actually good fun to fly.
[Image: yellow2-1.jpg]

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