17.09.2008, 00:12
Fat Boy Wrote:Thanks, M8 :!:Weee! Thanks alot. Yea, CFS always was different....IL2 seems more...realistic. But its a pitty there aren't any flight sims that accuratley model the ME109's torque on take-off. That'd be cool!
CFS3 has always been a totallly different ball game. Personally, I prefer the flight models in the IL2 series. :wink:
I'll see if I can come up with some more yellow nosed one's for 'ya, M8 :!:
Pilot: OK, Here ve go, ya? Cabbage section, begin take-off!
Ground control: Go easy on zat throttle, herre oberlautennant.
Pilot: Ja Ja, dumkopff....ACH HIMMEL! (SMASH!)
Ground control: Help! Our oberlautenent has flipped!
Now that would be one good sim. :wink: