26.09.2008, 21:30
FMB manual here http://www.il2-fullmissionbuilder.com/index.php.
No manual for FMB+. Look at AAA posts, or post a question.
You cannot copy and paste objects in FMB+
You can only copy and paste in map tools FMB. Hold down Alt and drag a box around the group of objects that you want to copy and paste. Press Ctl + c to copy the objects to the FMB "clipboard". Then press Ctrl + v to paste those objects from the clipboard. Note that the FMB "clipboard" can only hold one group of objects at once. Selecting another group of objects and copying to the clipboard will erase the previous group from the clipboard.
No manual for FMB+. Look at AAA posts, or post a question.
You cannot copy and paste objects in FMB+
You can only copy and paste in map tools FMB. Hold down Alt and drag a box around the group of objects that you want to copy and paste. Press Ctl + c to copy the objects to the FMB "clipboard". Then press Ctrl + v to paste those objects from the clipboard. Note that the FMB "clipboard" can only hold one group of objects at once. Selecting another group of objects and copying to the clipboard will erase the previous group from the clipboard.