30.09.2008, 01:58
Fabian fred, as usual, you are right, I am wrong. Damnit! My post above is amended.
I have two excuses 1. it was midnight on a school night 2. the way I texture my maps.. (actully this is just an excuse to espouse my methofd of texturing maps.
My method of texturing maps:
I have created two "palettes" in GIMP:
(1) grayscale of 256 colours, RGB 0 - 255 (in that order) with each coloured labelled with the RGB value, and
(2) RGB with colours that roughly correpond to those that you would expect in the load.ini's LowLand0 (dark brown), LowLand1 (slightly lighter brown) etc in the order that the textures are set out in the load.ini i.e. the first colour is labelled LowLand0, the second LowLand1.
Think of the coloured palette as the "painting palette" - this is actually what I use to paint my maps. Thik of the grayscale paletter as the "converter palette" - I use this to convert those colours to RGB values that the game will understand.
Step one: make standard map_t, either using the standard Microderm method, or by reducing the size of map_c
Step two: convert this to a colours that make sense (i.e. your painting palette). Go Image>mode>Indexed, select the converter palette and deselect "remove unused colours". The image will now convert to an indexed grayscale image. Go Colors>Set>Colormap, select the painting palette.
Step three: paint map using the painting palette. Open the edit palette dialog and use the appropriate tools and colors.
Step four: convert this back to an image Il2 can understand. Go Colors>Set>Colormap, select the converter palette. Go image>mode>grayscale. Save as .tga, unselect compression. You are done.
I can make my converter and painting palette available via e-mail if ppl are interested.
PS thanks fabianfred for correcting my mistake
I have two excuses 1. it was midnight on a school night 2. the way I texture my maps.. (actully this is just an excuse to espouse my methofd of texturing maps.
My method of texturing maps:
I have created two "palettes" in GIMP:
(1) grayscale of 256 colours, RGB 0 - 255 (in that order) with each coloured labelled with the RGB value, and
(2) RGB with colours that roughly correpond to those that you would expect in the load.ini's LowLand0 (dark brown), LowLand1 (slightly lighter brown) etc in the order that the textures are set out in the load.ini i.e. the first colour is labelled LowLand0, the second LowLand1.
Think of the coloured palette as the "painting palette" - this is actually what I use to paint my maps. Thik of the grayscale paletter as the "converter palette" - I use this to convert those colours to RGB values that the game will understand.
Step one: make standard map_t, either using the standard Microderm method, or by reducing the size of map_c
Step two: convert this to a colours that make sense (i.e. your painting palette). Go Image>mode>Indexed, select the converter palette and deselect "remove unused colours". The image will now convert to an indexed grayscale image. Go Colors>Set>Colormap, select the painting palette.
Step three: paint map using the painting palette. Open the edit palette dialog and use the appropriate tools and colors.
Step four: convert this back to an image Il2 can understand. Go Colors>Set>Colormap, select the converter palette. Go image>mode>grayscale. Save as .tga, unselect compression. You are done.
I can make my converter and painting palette available via e-mail if ppl are interested.
PS thanks fabianfred for correcting my mistake